newnonebact - create an Ultra Pro Wallet ​
Allows creating a new Ultra Pro Wallet, with expected cost not larger than max payment. The cost calculation will be based on the config from newactconfig
Field | Type | Description |
creator | eosio::name | The account that will pay for Ultra Pro Wallet account creation |
owner | eosio::authority | The owner authority for the new account |
active | eosio::authority | The active authority for the new account |
max_payment | eosio::asset | Maximum payment in UOS that creator is willing to pay to account for possible USD/UOS conversion fluctuations |
CLI - cleos ​
cleos push action eosio newnonebact '{"creator":"alice", "owner":{"threshold":1,"keys":[{"key":"EOS7i1PgEe399sjbhhS6umNFU6okzit96chj8NtpBRzy6XpDYXUH9","weight":1}],"accounts":[],"waits":[]}, "active":{"threshold":1,"keys":[{"key":"EOS7i1PgEe399sjbhhS6umNFU6okzit96chj8NtpBRzy6XpDYXUH9","weight":1}],"accounts":[],"waits":[]}, "max_payment":"50.00000000 UOS"}' -p alice
JavaScript - eosjs ​
await api.transact({
actions: [
account: 'eosio',
name: 'newnonebact',
authorization: [{ actor: 'creator', permission: 'active' }],
data: {
creator: 'creator'
owner: {
threshold: 1,
keys: [
key: 'EOS7i1PgEe399sjbhhS6umNFU6okzit96chj8NtpBRzy6XpDYXUH9',
weight: 1,
accounts: [],
waits: [],
active: {
threshold: 1,
keys: [
key: 'EOS7i1PgEe399sjbhhS6umNFU6okzit96chj8NtpBRzy6XpDYXUH9',
weight: 1,
accounts: [],
waits: [],
max_payment: "50.00000000 UOS",