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Ultra Products

Check out some of the various libraries, code examples and products we have available.

Ultra WalletThe Ultra Wallet is a non-custodial crypto wallet that allows you to store your UOS and Uniqs.DownloadTutorial
Developer Tools Docker ImageA docker container that contains binaries for cleos, nodeos, keosd, and ultratest. This image has everything to start a local blockchain.ImageTutorial
UltratestA testing framework built by Ultra to test smart contracts. Only available inside the docker image.N/ATutorial
Uniq Metadata ToolA CLI tool that helps with creation and validation of Uniq Metadata files.SourceTutorial
Ultra Tool KitBrowser-based utility to interact with Ultra BlockchainSourceTutorial
Chain APIUltra's block producers provide infrastructure to query various chain data such as accounts, user balances, and more.N/ATutorial
Ultra APIUltra is providing direct access to uniq data in a easily digestable API. Lookup Uniq data quickly, and easily.N/ATutorial
Ultra Ledger LibSign transactions with your Ledger devices on Antelope chains.NPMN/A
Ultra Signer LibSign transactions with a private keys, Google KMS, or Keosd instances.NPMN/A
Ultra API LibSimplify table and chain api lookups with this handy NPM package.NPMN/A
Contract Builder LibBuild smart contracts from the CLI with docker and this CLI tool.NPMN/A
Smart Contract VS Code ExtensionAn all-inclusive tool to build smart contracts, create transactions, create accounts, and deploy contracts to Ultra/EOS blockchain.DownloadTutorial
Uniq Discord BotA bot that links Discord Users with Ultra Accounts, and allows custom role integration based on owned uniqs.SourceTutorial