issue.b ​
This action can be used to issue tokens by factory managers or authorized minters
Technical Behavior ​
Parameter validation
Upon the usage of the issue action, the action verifies that the parameters supplied in the action have values, such as to, token_configs, and memo. The memo specifically has a 256-byte limitation. The required authorization is either the token factory manager or the authorized minter account for each token specified in token_configs. The token_configs vector is verified to not be empty and each token_config is verified to have an amount specified and a valid token_factory_id in order to begin the minting process of a token. The token_metadata vector is optional, but if provided, it is verified to be the same length as the number of tokens to mint. Providing the token_metadata parameter allows user to set the token metadata at the time of minting the token.
On-the-fly migration
If token_factory (token_factory_v0, to be exact) exists in v0 factory table, factory.a, the action copies it to v1 factory table, factory.b and removes the existing one from factory.a. After that, it operates on v1 token_factory (token_factory_v1, to be exact).
Main operations
The action retrieves the token_factory from the token factory table, factory.b. It validates that the token_factory is currently allowing tokens to be issued and checks if the token can currently be minted based on the minting window specified by the token_factory. It also checks if there is a max_mintable_tokens and ensure that additional token combined with existed token does not exceed that count.
When max_mintable_tokens amount of tokens has been minted, token factory will NOT transition to inactive
or shutdown
state automatically, this step needs to be done manually.
The token is then created and whoever the to user is the token is emplaced into their token list, token.b.
Token ID
Upon issue, each token will be assigned with 1 unique token ID
A singleton is used to track the global token ID.
Minting Limit
Minting limit is a new concept that was introduced in Release 27. It allows for uniq factories to limit the amount of tokens that can be minted to an individual account. Meaning, that if the account_minting_limit of a token factory is set to 5, then users may not purchase more than 5 tokens under that specific account.
account_minting_limit of a token factory can be set/reset by calling
action. It is null by default, which means the minting limit function is not applied to the factory.If a token factory has account_minting_limit specified, it automatically creates entries in the mintstat.a table with the scope of the token_factory_id, where the number of minted tokens for each issued account is recorded.
When the limit for the token factory is reached, it will prevent the user from purchasing any more tokens.
If the account_minting_limit is set to null it allows users to purchase infinite tokens.
Authorized minter
An optional parameter, authorizer, can be specified to issue tokens by an authorized minter instead of token factory manager (asset_manager). In this case:
authorizer's permission is required instead of token factory manager's one.
authorizer's minting quota stored in authorized minter info table is reduced by the number of minted tokens, and if it reaches zero, their authorized minter info record is removed from the table.
RAM usage
Creating new token
RAM usage of creating a token is covered by
. 4GB will be gifted toeosio.nfrram
to start with. The action fails If the unused RAM ofeosio.nftram
is less than or equal to 200MB.Token data is stored to
table and each entry’s pack size will be 192 bytes.If the RAM usage for token exceeds maximum pack size of 384 bytes, action will fail.
If asset_manager or authorizer is other than
, The cost of creating a token is paid toeosio.nftram
and it will be locked up in the token minted.First, the cost in USD is (factory RAM payment size) * (RAM price), where
NFT RAM payment size: 384 bytes
- estimated for a token with URI of size 192
RAM price: 0.15 USD/KB
The cost is paid in UOS. The action gets
conversion rate in USD/UOS
contract. and calculates the cost by (384B/1024B * 0.15USD/KB) / (conversion rate) =0.05625
USD/(conversion rate)
When a mintstats.a entry is added due to first time minting to an account from a factory with minting limit, it will charge the cost for adding each mintstat.a entry. The payer is the authorizer of the minting (it’s the authorized minter if using authorizer, ortherwise the manager). It pays to eosio.nftram, and its ram usage and payment will be bookkept in the manager’s vault.
When an authorized minter’s quota becomes zero (by minting their quota or by delegating their quota to another authorized minter)
The authorized minter’s info is removed from
table.The factory’s manager will get the refund proportional to the amount of RAM released from the RAM vault, i.e. refund = (accumulated RAM payment) * (released amount of RAM)/(accumulated amount of RAM usage).
is done for asset_manager
of the token factory, to
account that recieves the token and authorizer
(if specified in the action)
Action Parameters ​
Try to think of the action parameters as a JSON Object when reading this table. There will be a JavaScript example of the action below this table.
Property Name | C++ Type | JavaScript Type |
to | eosio::name | string |
token_configs | std::vector<token_config> | Array |
memo | std::string | string |
authorizer | std::optional<eosio::name> | string (must be provided, can be null ) |
maximum_uos_payment | std::optional<eosio::asset> | string (must be provided, can be null ) |
token_metadata | eosio::binary_extension<std::optional<std::vector<token_metadata>>> | Array (can be omitted or be null ) |
Token Config Interface
Property Name | C++ Type | JavaScript Type |
token_factory_id | uint64_t | number |
amount | uint32_t | number |
custom_data | std::string | string |
Token Metadata Interface
Property Name | C++ Type | JavaScript Type |
meta_uri | std::optional<std::string> | string |
meta_hash | std::optional<checksum256> | string |
CLI - cleos ​
cleos push action eosio.nft.ft issue.b '[{ "to": "to.user.acc", "token_configs": [{"token_factory_id": 5, "amount": 1, "custom_data": ""}], "memo": "token time", "authorizer": null, "maximum_uos_payment": "10.00000000 UOS" }]' -p factory.manager@active
- with authorizer and token_metadata
cleos push action eosio.nft.ft issue.b '[{ "to": "to.user.acc", "token_configs": [{"token_factory_id": 2, "amount": 1, "custom_data": ""}], "token_metadata":[{"meta_uri": "some-uri", "meta_hash": "d5768f8e2a7b1a8a9774dfb538e0a1928d0d9ac5f08bd781c21459b4308dc539"}], "memo": "token time", "authorizer": "auth.minter.account", "maximum_uos_payment": null }]' -p auth.minter.account@active
JavaScript - eosjs ​
await api.transact(
actions: [
account: 'eosio.nft.ft',
name: 'issue.b',
authorization: [{ actor: 'factory.manager', permission: 'active' }],
data: {
issue: {
to: 'to.user.acc',
token_configs: [
token_factory_id: 5,
amount: 1,
custom_data: '',
memo: 'token time',
authorizer: null,
maximum_uos_payment: '10.00000000 UOS'
blocksBehind: 3,
expireSeconds: 30,
- with authorizer and token_metadata
await api.transact(
actions: [
account: 'eosio.nft.ft',
name: 'issue.b',
authorization: [{ actor: 'auth.minter.account', permission: 'active' }],
data: {
issue: {
to: 'to.user.acc',
token_configs: [
token_factory_id: 5,
amount: 1,
custom_data: '',
token_metadata: [
meta_uri: 'some-uri',
meta_hash: 'd5768f8e2a7b1a8a9774dfb538e0a1928d0d9ac5f08bd781c21459b4308dc539',
memo: 'token time',
authorizer: 'auth.minter.account',
maximum_uos_payment: null
blocksBehind: 3,
expireSeconds: 30,