Ultra Accounts and Ultra Pro Wallets ​
How it works ​
System contract provides 2 actions to generate new accounts of the following types: Ultra Account and Ultra Pro Wallet. Their names are automatically generated using a pattern aa1aa2aa3aa4
and 1aa2aa3aa4aa
respectively. For more details see this page.
Ultra sponsors the RAM needed for an Ultra Account and Ultra Pro Wallet creation.
Ultra Account ​
Ultra Accounts (formerly known as Easy Blockchain Account or EBA) is a special type of account mainly for average users. It provides recovery options and is managed by our Backend.
Ultra Pro Wallet ​
Ultra Pro Wallet (formerly known as non-EBA) is a typical blockchain account controlled by private keys you must secure yourself. In case you lose the keys - you lose the ownership of the account. This type of account allows full control and automation.
Relevant actions ​
newnonebact - create an Ultra Pro Wallet
newebact - create an Ultra Account