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activers ​

When the current active version is N, and the next major version to work on is N+1, this action can be used to activate version N+1.

Technical Behavior ​

It works with the migration singleton table and stores the current active version, and migration status to this version. Only ultra.nft.ft account can call this action.

Action Parameters ​

There is no action parameter for this action.

CLI - cleos ​

cleos push action eosio.nft.ft activers '{}' -p ultra.nft.ft@active

# to view the migration status:
cleos get table eosio.nft.ft eosio.nft.ft migration

# example output right after v1 is activated
      "active_nft_version": 1,
      "table_migration_stats": 0

JavaScript - eosjs ​

await transact(
            account: 'eosio.nft.ft',
            name: 'activers',
            authorization: [{ actor: 'ultra.nft.ft', permission: 'active' }],
            data: {},
        blocksBehind: 3,
        expireSeconds: 30,