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Development Environment Setup

Most convinent way to interact with a docker container and manage the files inside it is by using VS Code


For the local environment you just open ~/ultra_workdir if you're on Linux or C:\Users\Username\ultra_workdir on Windows using VS Code. You can write all the tests and smart contract code locally. Then if you want to build and test use one of the following pathways:


Start a docker container using this command. It'll start a container called ultra which you can connect to using VS Code. By default your ultra-workdir is mounted to the /opt/ultra_workdir directory inside the container so any changes in that directory will persist on your filesystem. Go to the Remote-Explorer and attach to the ultra container.

Once connected to the container open the terminal

and open the /opt/ultra_workdir directory inside the container


To connect to your virtual machine using ssh go to Remote-Explorer and then select SSH Targets. Make sure the targets are available in your ~/.ssh/config.