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Developer resources

Local server

The Ultra wallet extension is only active when the page in the browser uses the HTTPS protocol. That means that you will need a local server with SSL enabled. Many frameworks have an option to easily configure it for you, but if you need a quick development environment, we recommend:

Ultra Wallet types

These are the TypeScript ambient definitions for Ultra Wallet APIs, which provides code completions in the code editor.

import EventEmitter from 'events';

export {};

declare global {
    interface Window {
        ultra: IUltraWalletApi & EventEmitter;

interface IUltraWalletApi {
     * Request permission to establish a connection with the Wallet extension
    connect(): Promise<IResponse<{ blockchainid: string; publicKey: string }>>;

     * Request permission to disconnect the app from the wallet extension
    disconnect(): Promise<void>;

     * Request permission to sign a message with the user's private key.
     * The message should have one of the next prefixes: `0x`, `UOSx`, or `message:`
     * Message signatures do not involve network fees.
     * @param message
    signMessage(message: string): Promise<IResponse<{ signature: string }>>;

     * Request permission to sign a transaction object or an array of them with
     * the user's private key and push it to the blockchain network.
     * @param transaction
    signTransaction(transaction: ITransaction | ITransaction[]): Promise<IResponse<{ transactionHash: string }>>;

interface IResponse<T = any> {
    status: 'success' | 'fail' | 'error';
    data: T;
    message?: string;

interface ITransaction<T = any> {
     * The blockchain smart contract owner account
    contract: string;

     * The blockchain smart contract name
    action: string;

     * The smart contract action parameters as a JSON Array of Objects
     * @type {T}
    data: T;