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Release notes

We're thrilled to announce the release of a new version of the Ultra API. This update focuses on enhancing user experience, increasing performance, and introducing new functionalities to make integration even more seamless.

Release 0.3.0

Key Highlights

  • Changing uniqEffectiveBuyOffers, subject filter to mandatory, which enforces sub-filtering offers based on uniqId or owner.
  • Adding the new validationFailures field to UniqFactoryMetadata and UniqMetadata structure.


  • defaultUniqMetadata returns the source template URL for variants factory instead of null.

Release 0.2.0

Key Highlights

  • Introducing the uniqEffectiveBuyOffers. Please refer to the uniqEffectiveBuyOffers queries section for detailed information. We strongly advise utilizing this feature to retrieve all currently active offers.
  • Presenting the uniqBuyOffers. For more details, see the uniqBuyOffers queries section. We strongly encourage using this feature to retrieve specific offers, which may include expired offers or those related to burned uniq.


  • Addressed issues where metadata remained stuck in processing state without any reported errors.
  • Corrected occurrences of HTTP 500 errors instead of 400 errors for subscriptions used over HTTP protocol rather than WebSocket.

Release 0.1.0

Key Highlights

  • Introducing the uniqSnapshots subscription! Refer to the uniqSnapshots subscription section for more information. We highly recommend using this new subscription. Please note that the uniqsOfFactory and uniqsOfWallet subscriptions are now deprecated.
  • Introducing the uniqFactorySnapshots subscription! Refer to the uniqFactorySnapshots subscription section for more information. We highly recommend using this new subscription. Please note that the uniqFactories subscription is now deprecated.
  • Explore the new uniqGlobalShares query! Find details in the uniqGlobalShares query section. We strongly recommend using this query to compute sale shares prices. The uniqGlobalShares query provides the protocol fee basis point applied to each resale. Reminder: Owner revenue = Price - (Price x 0.0001 x (Protocol fee basis point + Promoter fee basis point + Creators shares basis point)).

Breaking changes

  • Removed enum BlockStep - The Ultra API will now reflect only irreversible transactions.

  • Removed type UniqRevenue

  • Renamed type UniqFactoryResaleShare to UniqSaleShare

  • Structure changes of the UniqResale.

    type UniqResale {
        onSaleDate: Date!
        price: UniqRevenue!

    Becomes :

    type UniqResale {
        onSaleDate: Date!
        price: MonetaryAmount!
        promoterBasisPoints: Int
        shares: [UniqSaleShare!]!


  • Resolved issues related to metadata not being present for old uniqs or factory. The API now correctly includes metadata for all uniqs and factory instances.
  • Fixed issues with trading/transfer windows. Users can now perform trading and transfers without encountering unexpected errors or disruptions.