Smart Contracts
Smart contracts are pieces of code that are applied on-chain and have functions that can be called to run code.
Think of it like a REST endpoint that requires a POST request to run under specific parameters.
Smart contracts on Ultra are written in C++ and compiled down into Web Assembly.
It's not as intimidating as you think; here's an example hello-world.cpp
#include <eosio/eosio.hpp>
#include <eosio/print.hpp>
namespace mycontract {
using namespace std;
using namespace eosio;
CONTRACT hello : public eosio::contract {
using eosio::contract::contract;
ACTION hi(name user) {
print("Hi there, ", user.value, "!");
Building a contract
There are 3 options to build a contract at the moment:
- Via cdt-cpp with docker
- Via contract-builder tool
- Via VS Code extension
VS Code extension is the easiest one to start with. However, if your project has non-trivial build steps (i.e uses scripts for code generation) it's better to use the docker option.