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stauctcfg.a ​

Set global Uniq auction configuration

Behavior ​

Set global configurations for all Uniq auctions.

Technical Behavior ​

Only ultra.nft.ft account can set Uniq auction configurations.

The action stores the configurations to auctioncfg.a singleton table with the specified arguments.

All fields are optional, the action will only update the specified arguments and leave the rest the same as existing entry or as the default value if there’s no existing entry.

The action even accepts the same values as the ones currently stored in auctioncfg.a.

eosio.nft.ft pays RAM usage.

min_starting_price must be positive, and only supports UOS.

Both min_duration and max_duration must be positive, with max_duration must be greater than min_duration.

min_bid_increment_basis_point must not exceed 10000 (100%).

min_bid_increment_uos must be specified in UOS and have a positive amount.

auction_extension_step must be greater or equal to auction_extension_threshold. In case one of them is set to 0, the other one must be equal to 0 as well.

Action Parameters ​

Action accepts a single argument config of type set_auction_config_wrap_v0. The properties of this type are provided below:

Property NameC++ TypeJavaScript TypeDescription
min_starting_priceoptional<uint32_t>Number/NullMinimum auction starting price in UOS
min_durationoptional<uint32_t>Number/NullMinimum auction duration
max_durationoptional<uint32_t>Number/NullMaximum auction duration
min_bid_increment_basis_pointoptional<uint32_t>Number/NullMinimum increment between the bids in basis points (0.01%)
min_bid_increment_uosoptional<asset>String/NullMinimum increment between the bids in UOS
auction_extension_thresholdoptional<uint32_t>Number/NullIf a bid happens within auction_extension_threshold before the end of an auction, then the auction duration will be extended by auction_extension_step from the time the bid occurs
auction_extension_stepoptional<number>Number/NullSee auction_extension_threshold

CLI - cleos ​

cleos push action eosio.nft.ft stauctcfg.a '[{"min_starting_price": "1.00000000 UOS", "min_duration": 3600, "max_duration": 2592000, "min_bid_increment_basis_point": 500, "min_bid_increment_uos": "1.00000000 UOS", "auction_extension_threshold": 600, "auction_extension_step": 600}]' -p ultra.nft.ft@active

JavaScript - eosjs ​

await transact(
            account: 'eosio.nft.ft',
            name: 'stauctcfg.a',
            authorization: [{ actor: 'ultra.nft.ft', permission: 'active' }],
            data: {
                config: {
                    min_starting_price: "1.00000000 UOS",
                    min_duration: 3600,
                    max_duration: 2592000,
                    min_bid_increment_basis_point: 500,
                    min_bid_increment_uos: "1.00000000 UOS",
                    auction_extension_threshold: 600,
                    auction_extension_step: 600
        blocksBehind: 3,
        expireSeconds: 30,