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addethaddr ​

Summary ​

This action is used to link user account with ETH signature and address.

Technical Behavior ​

The action requires that there is an authorization of the user, a valid ETH signature and address.

Action Parameters ​

Property NameC++ TypeJavaScript TypeDescription
accounteosio::nameStringThe account of user
eth_signaturestd::vector<uint8_t>StringThe ETH signature of user
eth_addressstd::vector<uint8_t>StringThe ETH address of user

CLI - cleos ​

cleos push action ultra.avatar addethaddr '["alice", "0x34d95ba2cdfdc4abbcc9b2627a8956c16753023903e14a4a8f0d2cef42a614fe", "0x774246187e1e2205c5920898eede0945016080df"]' -p alice

Javascript - eosjs ​

await api.transact([
        account: 'ultra.avatar',
        name: 'addethaddr',
        authorization: [{ actor: 'alice', permission: 'active' }],
        data: {
            account: 'alice',
            eth_signature: '0x34d95ba2cdfdc4abbcc9b2627a8956c16753023903e14a4a8f0d2cef42a614fe',
            eth_address: '0x774246187e1e2205c5920898eede0945016080df'
        blocksBehind: 3,
        expireSeconds: 30,