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bidauction.a ​

Bid on an Uniq auction

Technical Behavior ​

The action checks that the auction exists in the auction.a table with the specified Uniq and verifies that the bid is placed between start_date and expiry_date.

bidder is not allowed to bid on the auctions where he is the owner.

bid must be at least min_bid_increment_uos UOS or min_bid_increment_basis_point basis points (units of 0.01%) higher than the previous bid. The values are defined in auctioncfg.a table. This does not apply if the auction does not have any bidder which is true for a new auction without any bids.

bidder can bid on the auction where he is already the highest bidder.

UOS for the bid is transferred from the bidder account to the eosio.nftauc account and is released back to the original bidder if the new bid arrives.

eosio.nftram pays RAM usage.

A successful bid stores information about the bidder, bid, receiver and promoter_id and may increase the expiry_date of the auction by auction_extension_step if it happens within auction_extension_threshold. The values are defined in the auctioncfg.a table.

Action Parameters ​

Action accepts a single argument bid of type bid_auction_wrap_v0. The properties of this type are provided below:

Property NameC++ TypeJavaScript TypeDescription
token_iduint64_tNumberID of the Uniq for which there is an auction to bid on
biddernameStringBidder account that authorizes the transaction and will pay the UOS bid
receiverstd::optional<name>String / NullOptional receiver account of the Uniq in case this bid wins the auction. If no account is provided, the bidder will be used as a receiver
bidassetStringProposed bid for the auction. It must respect the minimum increment specified in auctioncfg.a table
promoter_idstd::optional<name>Sting / NullOptional promoter account

CLI - cleos ​

cleos push action eosio.nft.ft bidauction.a '[{"token_id": 1, "bidder": "bob", "receiver": null, "bid": "10.00000000 UOS", "promoter_id": null, "memo": "my bid"}]' -p bob@active

JavaScript - eosjs ​

await transact(
            account: 'eosio.nft.ft',
            name: 'bidauction.a',
            authorization: [{ actor: 'bob', permission: 'active' }],
            data: {
                bid: {
                    token_id: 1,
                    bidder: "bob",
                    receiver: null,
                    bid: "10.00000000 UOS",
                    promoter_id: null,
                    memo: "my bid"
        blocksBehind: 3,
        expireSeconds: 30,