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createauct.a ​

Create an Uniq auction

Technical Behavior ​

The action stores the auction to the auction.a table with the specified arguments. The new auction ID is read from the next.nftauc table, whose value field is then incremented.

eosio.nftram pays RAM usage.

Only one auction may exist per Uniq. The Uniq, which is placed on auction, must not be on a resell.

starting_price should be no less than min_starting_price of auctioncfg.a and also should be no less than minimum_resell_price of the factory.

promoter_basis_point should be in the range between min_promoter_share_bp and max_promoter_share_bp of saleshrlmcfg table configurations for resale (scope 1). The default range is between 200 (2.0 %) and 1000 (10 %).

Time between start_date (or the time when the transaction is executed) and expiry_date must be within trading_window_start and trading_window_end of the factory. It must also be at least equal to min_duration and must not exceed max_duration stored in auctioncfg.a.

duration should be in the range between min_duration and max_duration of offercfg.a. If duration is longer than the trading window of the factory, it will be capped by trading_window_end.

Action Parameters ​

Action accepts a single argument create of type create_auction_wrap_v0. The properties of this type are provided below:

Property NameC++ TypeJavaScript TypeDescription
ownernameStringCurrent owner of the Uniq
token_iduint64_tNumberID of Uniq which the owner wants to place on an auction
starting_priceassetStringStarting auction price in UOS
promoter_basis_pointuint16_tNumberPromoter share in units of 0.01 %
start_datestd::optional<time_point_sec>StringOptional start date of the auction
expiry_datetime_point_secStringInitial expected date for the auction to end

CLI - cleos ​

cleos push action eosio.nft.ft createauct.a '[{"owner": "alice", "token_id": 1, "starting_price": "2.00000000 UOS", "promoter_basis_point": 250, "start_date": null, "expiry_date": "2024-09-31T00:00:00", "memo": "new auction"}]' -p alice@active

JavaScript - eosjs ​

await transact(
            account: 'eosio.nft.ft',
            name: 'createauct.a',
            authorization: [{ actor: 'alice', permission: 'active' }],
            data: {
                create: {
                    owner: "alice",
                    token_id: 1,
                    starting_price: "2.00000000 UOS",
                    promoter_basis_point: 250,
                    start_date: null,
                    expiry_date: "2024-09-31T00:00:00",
                    memo: "new auction"
        blocksBehind: 3,
        expireSeconds: 30,