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Substreams Sink Application Example

Any application that is being used to consume Substreams data will be referred to as Substreams Sink.

If you follow the deployment of substreams charts from Getting Started, you should now have a working Substreams cluster locally.

However, this local cluster will only help you to extract block data from producer pod or a blockchain if you connect to a public endpoint instead.

To fully make use of these block data you will need something called Substreams Packages which will be used like a filter to extract exactly the data you need. For example:

  • Get transaction data from a block
  • Find action data based on action name and account
  • Find transaction by hash
  • etc.

A Substreams Package is a ready-to-consume binary file, which contains all the necessary dependencies (manifest, modules, protobufs...). You can read more about Substreams Packages and how to develop your own Manifest and Modules to create a new Substreams package. Alternatively, you can go to Pinax Substreams package for Ultra compatible Substreams package.

Finally, with these filtered data, you can use it by storing it in a database, displaying it in an explorer, etc.


Here is an example that demonstrates how you can make use of Substreams package and extract eosio.token transfer action from Substreams cluster.

The example will be a Node.js application written in Typescript with yarn as package manager, so make sure you have these installed before starting.

npm install --global yarn

This application will make use of 2 packages:

Setup project

Setting up a Typescript project

Create a new directory and navigate to it

Initialize project

yarn init -y

Install Typescript

yarn add -D typescript

Initialize Typescript

npx tsc --init

A new tsconfig.json will be created. For the sake of the tutorial, please use your text editor and update the project as below.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es2020",
    "module": "esnext",
    "outDir": "./dist",
    "rootDir": "./src",
    "strict": true,
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "baseUrl": "src",
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "skipLibCheck": true,
    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true

Add these configurations to package.json

  "type": "module",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "tsc && node dist/index.js"

Install substreams dependency

yarn add @substreams/node

Adding example script

Make a new directory name src and add a new file called index.ts.

import { createGrpcTransport } from "@connectrpc/connect-node";
import {
} from "@substreams/core";

const PACKAGE = "";
const OUTPUT_MODULE = "map_transfers";

const manifest = await fetchSubstream(PACKAGE);
const registry = createRegistry(manifest);
const transport = createGrpcTransport({
  baseUrl: "http://localhost:9000",
  httpVersion: "1.1",
  interceptors: [],
  jsonOptions: {
    typeRegistry: registry,

const request = createRequest({
  substreamPackage: manifest,
  outputModule: OUTPUT_MODULE,
  productionMode: true,
  startBlockNum: 0,
  stopBlockNum: "+100",

for await (const response of streamBlocks(transport, request)) {
  const output = unpackMapOutput(response, registry);
  if (output !== undefined && !isEmptyMessage(output)) {
    console.dir(output.toJson({ typeRegistry: registry }));

Some important configurations:

  • PACKAGE - This is the released package from Pinax Nework Substreams Package Release. We used eosio.token package since it's compatible with Ultra's chain.
  • OUTPUT_MODULE - This is a data filter name. In this example, we will use map_transfers which is a filter for any transaction that contains transfer action from eosio.token contract.
  • baseURL - this is the service endpoint of substreams-tier1 component. The request will be sent to this component and the result will be sent back.
  • startBlockNum - The block number where the search will start.
  • stopBlockNum - The block number where the search will end. If you use +100, it will stop after 100 blocks.

This script will search all transactions from the start block to the end block, then it will output any transaction that contains tranfer action from eosio.token contract.

Run the app

Make sure you follow the Getting Started and start a local cluster.

Once all the pods are ready, you need to forward the substreams-tier1 service port for testing.

kubectl port-forward service/substreams-tier1 9000:9000
Forwarding from -> 9000
Forwarding from [::1]:9000 -> 9000

Note: Make sure to keep this console tab open to maintain the connection.

Finally, you run the application with

yarn start

With the default configurations, you should see this result in your console.

  items: [
      trxId: '23ed3a9e921dbad087861d9968b575a1102594d7411e04700043d40f08d550ad',
      actionOrdinal: 1,
      contract: 'eosio.token',
      action: 'transfer',
      symcode: 'UOS',
      from: 'eosio',
      to: 'ultra.eosio',
      quantity: '1000000000.00000000 UOS',
      precision: 8,
      amount: '100000000000000000',
      value: 1000000000
  items: [
      trxId: '2239bc9796c6776d1953ad8e6ff444e5d81c261121627e03517abcc462323beb',
      actionOrdinal: 1,
      contract: 'eosio.token',
      action: 'transfer',
      symcode: 'UOS',
      from: 'ultra.eosio',
      to: 'ultra',
      quantity: '100000000.00000000 UOS',
      precision: 8,
      amount: '10000000000000000',
      value: 100000000
      trxId: '8418539abfa1f147e214221f412b4cd78b26efa0fba1e6cdee2e9951911ee7f6',
      actionOrdinal: 1,
      contract: 'eosio.token',
      action: 'transfer',
      symcode: 'UOS',
      from: 'ultra.eosio',
      to: 'eosio',
      quantity: '100000000.00000000 UOS',
      precision: 8,
      amount: '10000000000000000',
      value: 100000000